Solicitors in Merton Park

Buying a home in Merton Park

Ashworths  Property Lawyers are ideally placed for buying your new home in Merton Park, and if you are new to the area we are pleased to share a few tips and interesting facts about the area.

Merton Park is one of the earliest London Garden Suburbs, with its first houses built in the 1870s. Merton Park is now a highly sought after residential area because of the tree-lined roads of detached and semi-detached houses the area is known for. Transport links are excellent with the new Tramlink service and Morden Station being the start of the Northern Line and going directly into Central London and the City of London. Interestingly Merton Park is also one of the few UK constituencies to consistently return independent councillors all of whom are proactive and visible in the area.

Interesting facts about Merton Park

  • Merton Park is centred on the historic parish church, St. Mary’s. The church was founded in the 12th century by the Augustinian order of the nearby Merton Priory of which only the Western Gate remains
  • One of Merton Park’s most famous residents worshipped in St. Mary’s – Lord Nelson with his lover Emma Hamilton
  • Mick Talbot, a Merton Park resident, played in Dexys Midnight Runners – best known for their only international hit, “Come on Eileen”.
  • John Innes (of ‘compost’ fame) was responsible for the development of Merton Park.

Properties in Merton Park

Merton Park was developed in the late 19th century as a garden suburb by the landowner and City Merchant John Innes. The rapid development of Wimbledon encouraged Innes to develop housing on his land. Innes built attractive houses of varied architecture and size, many of which are in highly desirable roads today such as Mostyn, Dorset and Sheridan Roads. Families are attracted to Merton Park and its tree-lined street command a high price in its designated conservation area. With such an array of architecture, there is no such thing as a ‘typical’ home.


Merton Park is almost entirely residential in character. Merton Park’s proximity to Morden, Wimbledon, Raynes Park and beyond means there are plenty of options when it comes to dining out, shopping and socialising. The Leather Bottle serves as the local pub and Wimbledon Town, a short walk away, is seen by many as their social hub. However, Nearby South Wimbledon has some quiet gems such as Aya, a Lebanese restaurant and Little Vietnam, well known for it’s authentic Pho & Bun with the advantage of a BYOB policy.

Schools in Merton Park

Merton Park schools fall under the Merton Local Education Authority. There are two state schools, Merton Park Primary School and Rutlish School, although there are around 15 primary schools and four Secondary schools and colleges nearby.

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